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Strategic Discovery

Architecture Design 

RAPD Build and Validation

Deploy and Value


Strategic Discovery

Strategic Discovery

Successful value creation starts with a strong foundation. BlueSafe consultants work closely with you to understand your overall strategic objectives to ensure the solution is developed and built to meet those objective. We work closely with you to understand your business problem, desired process flows, potential obstacles and opportunities for optimization.

Architecture Design

Architecture Design

Laying out your overall architecture in a pictorial format helps you visualize your end goal. BlueSafe will document the Data and Workflow models used to build  your solution. The output includes a Data Model and step-by-step workflow model that will evolve as you travel along your GRC journey.

RAPD Build and Validation


BlueSafe deploys a RAPD model for solution delivery. Rapid Agile Project Delivery is a delivery model that leverages the principles used in Agile Development. By working with you throughout the build process on a frequent schedule, we ensure that the solution meets your needs from start to finish. This method allows you to introduce new goals and requirements throughout the delivery cycle and requires less validation.

Deploy and Value Creation

Deploy and Value Creation

We're with you to the end. BlueSafe will deploy your solution and provide HyperCare until you're happy with the final production deployment. We work with you to make the required adjustments to ensure the solution is "sticky" and gains rapid adoption post go live.

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